Early Wednesday morning brought a lunar event that hasn't been seen since 1866.A memorable evening is knocking at the door of the enthusiastic stargazers as they will get a rare chance of viewing a “super blue blood Moon” on Wednesday.According to NASA, the January 31,2018 full moon is special for three reasons.It is the third in a series of “supermoons,” when the Moon is closer to Earth in its orbit — known as perigee — and about 14 per cent brighter than usual.It is also the second full moon of the month, commonly known as a “blue moon.”The super blue moon will pass through Earth’s shadow to give viewers in the right location a total lunar eclipse. What is a super blue blood moon? The moon is full, and it's the second full moon of the calendar month, which has been termed a blue moon. The moon is on a 28-day cycle, so that happens only once in a while – or, as you might say, once in a blue moon. #SuperBlueBloodMoon #RareSuperBlueBloodMoon
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