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Top 5 Coolest Virtual Reality Gadgets of the Future

Perception Neuron by Noitom The Perception Neuron MOCAP system is based on individual sensors called Neurons. Each is no larger than a penny and weighs just over a gram. A Neuron houses an Inertial Measurement Unit also known as an IMU, with a gyroscope, accelerometer, and magnetometer. The ingenuity of our MOCAP system is that every Neuron is intercheageable and can be placed anywhere it's needed in an endless number of combinations. ADAPTIVE From capturing arm movement, to finger motion, to full body kinematics, the Perception Neuron system adapts to your needs. Just place the Neurons where they are needed and capture the level of detail and body movements you require for your project. The system can handle from 1 to 32 Neurons, and can function wirelessly via WIFI or onboard recording or wired via USB, giving you capabilities no other MOCAP system has ever been able to offer. Gloveone Gloveone: Feel Virtual Reality by NeuroDigital ...