Bone conduction means that the conduction of sound to the inner ear through the bones of our skull. Bone conduction transmission can be used with individuals with normal or impaired hearing.In bone conduction listening, the headphones perform the role of your ear drums. Audio Bone headphones decode sound waves and convert them into vibrations that can be received directly by the Cochlea – so the ear drum is never involved.Want to know about bone conduction headphones? Bone conduction headphones are devices with which you can hear audio conveyed through the vibrations of your skull.Top 5 Best Bone Conduction Headphones & Gadgets 2017- Our Top 5 Picks Yaklee Open Ear Wireless Bone Conduction Headphones - , Buhel Soundglass with Bone Conduction Technology - , AfterShokz Trekz Titanium Wireless Bone Conduction Headphones - , BATBAND wireless bone conduction headphone with microphone - htt...
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